Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What is it with these foreign germs!

Since moving to the United States, I've never been so sick! I'm currently feeling like crap, at home, bored to tears but too weak to do anything substantial and too run-down to focus on anything for more than 10 minutes at a time.

I personally blame 3 things for the demise of my health:
  1. Indoor Heating Systems
  2. The Weather
  3. My Son

One of the first things I noticed when I came out here was how dry it is inside. So much so that I insisted we buy a humidifier because I woke up every morning feeling like a 10 year old vacuum bag that has never been cleaned. Not that we don't have heating in the UK (we even have electricity too) but somehow it seems different, the air doesn't seem quite so dry. Perhaps, it's part in due to the climate.

But even this doesn't quite make sense because where I live now is a fairly temperate climate, yes it does get very cold in the winter but there is usually plenty of moisture in the air. I think that it is this cold that is more to blame in terms of the weather. Sometimes it can be quite chilling, the type of weather where you feel cold to the core even if you are wearing several layers. It can get to about -20°C or below sometimes, which is colder than anyone should have to bear!

I hate to point the finger at my son but he has his part to play in all of this too. The reason is that hot bed of germ revelry: Daycare! Yes folks, it's buy one get one free week, every week at daycare, always something making the rounds and sooner or later it's gonna getcha!

Anyway, I need to go lie down now... maybe I'm just a big wuss. Perhaps when I'm better I'll volunteer for Arctic training with the Navy Seals or something to toughen me up a bit.

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